There is nothing more disappointing than announcing your amazing news to the world through a press release—only to wait by your phone that does not ring or an email inbox with no email prospects.

Your news story was news worthy! But why did nothing happen? Sometimes it is not the news—it is your press release.

There are a few simple strategies to help you create a press release for the digital age.

First of all, become familiar with your audience. Journalists, reporters, and bloggers are the people that you need to notice your press release and they see hundreds show up in their inbox every day. Spend time getting to know them and try to cultivate relationships especially with those who write about your niche.

For example, if you are a computer software company, learn about reporters who write about technology. If your product is geared towards young parents, look for those that write for parenting magazines. Get an idea of other stories they have covered and then try to build a press release that is similar to these stories.

Secondly, make sure that your press release is well-written and correctly formulated, with a strong catchy headline and a focused, newsworthy first paragraph. Check several times for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. And don’t forget accurate contact information and a call to action in the final paragraph.

There is a formula to writing a press release and the key ingredient is an attention grabbing leading paragraph.

Here are a few of our tips:

  1. Determine Your Angle: Determining your angle is the most crucial step you must take prior to writing your press release. Ask yourself what about your news story that will grab your audience’s attention, and leave them wanting to learn more. For example, if you are launching an app, there may be an inclination to discuss the technical specifications but your audience may just want to know that this app works, and works for their purpose.
  2. Know Your Audience: On the flip side, if you are hoping for coverage in technical publications, your audience may indeed be more concerned with the technical specifications rather than its efficacy. When preparing to write your press release’s leading paragraph, picture your target audience and craft a lead that will appeal to his or her sensibilities.
  3. The Five W’s and H: Journalists are always keen to pick up on the who, what, where, when, why and how because that lets them extract the important information upfront. Addressing the 5 W’s in your leading paragraph will help journalists determine if they want to run your story or get more information without wasting their time. Remember, these journalists are hammered with hundreds of press releases every day.
  4. Reveal Your Angle Right Away: Do not try to build suspense or be too wordy. Leave it to the reporters and journalists to add flair to your story. You want to grab attention off the bat, and once you have it, keep their attention.
  5. Attention to Language: It is a given that swearing is not acceptable, but what we want you to pay attention to is your writing style. Are you using an active or passive voice? Does every single sentence add value and new information? If it does not, remove it. Avoid using jargon that are only recognized by others in your industry.

Structuring your keywords and optimize it for search engines, namely Google.

SEO is the process of getting into the organic research results of search engines, particularly Google. It can make or break businesses. Recent statistics show that local searches are becoming an even more powerful influence on sales. It has been found that 72% of consumers doing local searches end up visiting a store within 5 miles of them, and 43% of consumers perform research while in-store.

SEO is the long-term strategy for organic search engine results. For local businesses, this can pay off better than paid ads with an overwhelming difference in your marketing ROI. Once your press release is distributed to our over 500 affiliated sites, those links are not only permanent, but they are many times from high ranking sites that carry extra SEO juice on their links back to your website.

Getting to Google News is straightforward. You can do so by submitting a press release using Magic Marketing Press but read on: you want to make sure the keywords you are optimizing for matches up with what your audience is searching.

I consider good SEO to be an art that consists of proper long-tail keyword research, reverse engineering search results, competitor analysis, and creativity to craft useful content and most importantly, create quality backlinks from other high page-rank websites. Over time with a well-planned strategy of media distribution, the results we create leave no room for debate on whether press release backlinks help SEO – I’m here to tell you that it does!

Some people will say that in our digital age of social media, press releases are obsolete. We have determined that such naysayers fall into three categories, some of whom have very little knowledge of SEO, and others who do understand but don’t wish to share that knowledge with you. But the truth is, a small business press release with good SEO can bring exactly the kind of website traffic that you need.

By ordering Magic Press distribution service, you ensure that your small business press release will be sent to all the top-tier media outlets: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CW.

For more information on Magic Marketing and our products and services, please contact us here OR Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how we can find, follow, and pre-select your hyper-targeted customer to reduce wasted ad dollars and increase quality traffic and your bottom line.


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