SEO and Article Marketing work together to provide you with the best solution to website promotion that you can have. Forget PPC programs, and forget ezine advertising. Nothing beats free adverts on the index listings of the major search engines.
Why pay to have an advert on the right hand side of Google, that everybody knows is an advert, when for less money (no money in fact) you get a lovely listing on the left hand side that everybody regards as being associated with authoritative sites. Not only is it free, but it is also a more prestigious listing that a paid Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing advert.
Proper search engine marketing can do that for you with a little bit of help from article marketing to give you a publicity kick start. Not only that, but a few links back to the web page of your choice from your Author’s Resource Box to help Google to help you. Google and most other search engines look upon links back to your website (actually a page on your site) as being an indication of the relevance of your web page to the search term being used by the search engine customer seeking information.
Search terms are commonly called keywords, and it is worth your while learning how search engine perceive keywords. Do you know that a search term such as search engine optimization is broken down by the search engine into the three separate words, and it then looks through its index of spidered web pages for these three words. The page with most relevance to all of these gets listed first, and then downwards till those relevant to only one of these words gets listed.
Of course, there is more to it that that. A site with a great deal of relevance and good content with reference to ‘search engine’ will be listed above one with poor content on ‘search engine optimization’, even if that is the title of the web page. A site with all three words will be listed highest if it contains good relevant content, but not if it does not.
There are techniques that can be used to give yourself the best chance of a high listing. A high listing can never be guaranteed, hence the disingenuousness of those offering it. All that can be offered is an improvement, but not a specific listing position. Any advert on the internet that offers a guaranteed top 10 position is lying, unless they are referring to a top 10 position for a silly keyword such as “silly keyword listing”. If you have a web page optimized for that, you might get even a #1 listing on all the search engines, but who is going to be using that term in a search?
SEO and article marketing can be combined to provide you with the highest possible listing for the content on your web page, since search engines generally list web pages, not domains. There are methods that can be used to maximize that position and even attain a #1 listing, but no optimization expert can ever guarantee that. Unless, of course, they work high up in Google, and are willing to help you to cheat!
Thank you for taking the time with me to learn more about marketing, news, tips and tricks for your business success.
Robert Lennon
(AKA) Magic Marketer
For more information on Magic Marketing and our products and services, please contact us here OR Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how we can find, follow, and pre-select your hyper-targeted customer to reduce wasted ad dollars and increase quality traffic and your bottom line.
Promoting your small business on the internet is crucial in today’s world. The entrepreneur who ignores this gold mine of potential opportunity does so at his or her own peril. There is too much to be gained through marketing on the internet, and little to be lost. If you company is internet based to begin with, this is a no-brainer, of course. But things are rapidly changing on the Web, and those marketing strategies that worked a few years ago may not work as well today. Here are a few things you can do to expose your business to potential new customers that work today, but may not in a few years.
SEO. Search engine optimization. For the internet entrepreneur who wants their website to be a success, this is the first step toward ensuring that success. Unless you have unlimited funds with which to advertise your product, this is a step you cannot afford to skip. Optimizing your website is the equivalent of building your brick-and-mortar store in a major shopping district as opposed to halfway down a dirt road with an old rusty sign pointing in the other direction. Its importance cannot be overstated. There are many facets to SEO, and not enough room in this article to get into them. Fortunately, few topics have been as exhaustively written about. Do a Google search of your own, and you will find plenty to read.
Pay Per Click. This is another fine way to get your internet business off and running. This service is offered by Google, Yahoo!, and MSN, to name a few. With Google AdWords, you’re going to have the most potential traffic, but you may also have the most competition for the best keywords. What does this mean? Well, AdWords (and the others) work by letting you create an advertisement (usually a headline and a couple of sentences). You then must choose the keywords that will activate your ad. Then you place a bid on how much you’re willing to pay per click of your ad, depending on each keyword. It all sounds a lot more confusing than it is. The benefit of this type of advertising (as opposed to, say, banner advertising), is you only pay when you have been ensured of a visitor. Of course, what you do with that visitor is up to you and your own marketing skills.
Articles and inbound links. Next to SEO, this is the most powerful section of strategy for the up and coming internet business owner. In order to move up in the search engine rankings, you must have incoming links (backlinks, as they’re called in the SEO world). When the search engines see a website with a lot of natural inbound links, they begin to see the website as an authority on whatever subject the site is about. Thus, the site’s ranking begins to improve. There are many ways to go about getting backlinks, but one of the best ways is through writing articles. There are article “farms” on the internet, which host your articles for free and then sell them or give them away to other website owners, who are hungry for content. This benefits you because at the end of the article you will have included your name and a link to your website. Every time someone grabs your article to put on their website, you get another important link.
There are a million successful strategies for marketing on the internet, but these are the three building blocks. Go and research them, and your business will be the better for it.
Thank you for taking the time with me to learn more about marketing, news, tips and tricks for your business success.
Robert Lennon
(AKA) Magic Marketer
For more information on Magic Marketing and our products and services, please contact us here OR Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how we can find, follow, and pre-select your hyper-targeted customer to reduce wasted ad dollars and increase quality traffic and your bottom line.
This introduction to getting more traffic to your website without spending a lot of money is what any business on the internet strives towards and we will cover the basics, which will be followed by a more focused look at other ways to get traffic to your site in subsequent articles.
Anonymous to many there are a few ways of attracting visitors to your site that do not require risking a lot of cash. But consider the fact it’s not that simple and takes more work on your part.
So, if you prefer to work to get traffic to your website, instead of paying for it, then here are a few simple ways to accomplish that:
Submit to article directories is perhaps one of the most valuable ways of driving traffic to your website. By writing and submitting articles with a theme associated to your website, you are almost guaranteed of getting traffic to your website for an extended period of time. As long as your articles stays in the directories that you suggest to, people can find it and the odds of receiving traffic to your website is substantial. Some of the submission sites where you can submit to are,,, and
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a procedure that you apply on your web site pages to rank higher in the search engines. Search engine optimization is not hard to learn and there are several software applications that do a good job of SEO.
Search engines first look at your meta tags to determine what your site is about. Here are a few key factors when preparing meta tags:
As you continue to read this article, pay special attention to how parts 1 and 2 relate to one another.
a) Your domain name should have your keyword in it.
b) Title tag for each page of your site should include your keyword.
c) Your keyword should be on the first paragraph of your page.
d) The image alt tags should include your keyword.
e) The directory and file names of each page of your site should also have your keyword.
3. Create a blog that links back to your website.
Blog Posts at are readily indexed by Google and other search engines. By updating your blog you are feeding the search engines. and each time you put new content out, the search engines will spot it and the spiders will come.
Putting your keywords in the content of your pages will help you rank higher in the search engines.
By placing a link in your blog back to your site the search engines will follow the link and your site will get indexed and updated more often.
Blogging is painless and it adds a lot of your web pages to the search engine index that and without these pages you will not be found on a keyword search.
* If you are like many and would rather have a tooth pulled than write a blog, then go to UpWork where you can find capable writers to do the work for you.
There are several places to get unlimited blog accounts started with some that are hosted free such as, Another popular blog application is that is hosted on your website.
4. Posting in forums relevant to your theme will give you the opportunity to place your links, to your products and services in the signature line, so you will get visitors from the forum members and search engine, that follow your link.
Make sure the signatures you publish in forums are memorable to magnetize readers and make them click on your related link and come to your website.
These 4 marketing tactics are simple and cheaper ways of getting visitors to your website. By implementing the above strategies on a regular basis would warrant a flow of traffic not only for the brief term but also for the long haul.
Thank you for taking the time with me to learn more about marketing, news, tips and tricks for your business success.
Robert Lennon
(AKA) Magic Marketer
For more information on Magic Marketing and our products and services, please contact us here OR Schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how we can find, follow, and pre-select your hyper-targeted customer to reduce wasted ad dollars and increase quality traffic and your bottom line.
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